
Policies in the process of being reviewed will be uploaded as soon as possible. If you require a paper copy of any of our policies please contact Mrs Hill or any other member of our office team.
One Community Trust
As of September 2024, Locking Stumps Primary School are now part of One Community Trust. To find out more about our Trust, follow this link. One Community Trust website.
The governors on each Local Governing Body across the Trust can be found here.
The Trust address is Oakwood Avenue Primary School, Oakwood Avenue, Warrington. WA1 3SZ. Company House No. 11953395
Data Protection
Following the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulations on 25th May 2018, please find below our revised Data Protection Policy (coming soon), together with our new Privacy Notices and Pupil Consent Form. If you have any questions regarding data protection, please contact our Data Protection Officer, Jane Hill at lockingstumps_primary@sch.warrington.gov.uk.