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Key Stage 1

    L2C and  above (%) L2B and above (%) L3 (%)
Maths Locking Stumps 97.8 80 26.7
National (2014) 91 80 24
Reading Locking Stumps 93.3 86.7 40
National (2014) 90 81 31
Writing Locking Stumps 86 68.9 22.2
National (2014) 86 70 16


Key Stage 2

    L4C and above (%) L5 (%)
Reading, Writing and Maths Locking Stumps 86.1 27.8
National (2014) 79 24
Maths Locking Stumps 86.1 41.7
National (2014) 86 42
Reading Locking Stumps 97.2 44.4
National (2014) 89 49
Writing Locking Stumps 91.7 36.1
National (2014) 85 33
Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation Locking Stumps 86.1 66.7
National (2014) 76 52


Progress from Key Stage 1 to 2

This table shows the percentages of our children who made expected progress from end of KS1 to end of KS2 in each of reading, writing and maths ie 2 National Curriculum levels

  Locking Stumps National
Expected Progress- Maths 88.9 89
> Expected Progress- Maths 27.8 35
Expected Progress- Reading 97.2 91
> Expected Progress- Reading 25 35
Expected Progress- Writing 100 93
> Expected Progress- Writing 36.1 33


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